Best Critical Blog – Nineteenth Century Literature — May 22, 2015

Best Critical Blog – Nineteenth Century Literature

Week 2 – Resoultion and Independence

Question: Study “Resolution and Independence” closely and see if you can write a paragraph on why Wordsworth seems to value this socially “worthless” person? This old man has no degrees, no wealth, no substance, and yet Wordsworth sees him as one of the greatest people he has ever met. Why?

Very often in life, an individual’s social worth is often quantified by factors that include wealth and social influence. As such, the old man in “Resolution and Independence” can be considered as socially worthless. Yet, it is for this very reason that Wordsworth actually values the man. Unlike the rest of society, the old man is not incessantly trying to prove his social worth by conforming to the “vain and melancholy” social customs of the period. Although he “wanders in solitude,” the man shows no regret over his choices as he is able to live in greater simplicity where he is connected to his most elementary feelings. Thus, he gains independence, freedom and a new perception on life that is care free and not polluted with “distress.”

In saying this, the man is able to create a new social caste system where people are bounded by nature rather than tedious social manners. As such, it can be stated that Wordsworth values the man as he is rarely influenced by the social customs which others choose to live by. More specifically, the man illustrates to Wordsworth that there is a world different from his that is not darkened by “fears and dim sadness.” Unlike our world in which social value is based on scholarly merit and wealth, the world of the old man bases social value on an individual’s soul and not their external attributes. As such, this is a world in which  social value has a new meaning and where nature is seen as the perenial source of knowledge, truth and joy. Consequently, Wordsworth holds the man in high regard despite his lack of social qualifications as he was able to impart onto Wordsworth a new and simpler view on life.

Rhythm of Nature – Ed Sandoval

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